Reference Tables

Comparison of Anatomical, and Physiological Characteristics of Animals and Humans

Comparison of Anatomical, Physical and Biological Characteristics of Meat Eating and Non-Meat Eating Animals to Humans

Annual Dollar Savings Worldwide

A Comparison of Annual Dollar Savings Worldwide as a Function of Diet

Annual Dollar Savings in U.S.

A Comparison of Annual Dollar Savings in U.S. as a Function of Diet

World’s top ten greenhouse gas emitters

The top 10 greenhouse gas emitters make up over 70% of total emissions

Main types of greenhouse gases

The four main types of gases which trap the sun’s heat and warm the planet’s surface and create the greenhouse problem

Average warming increase

Average warming increase projections by year 2100


Important vitamins

Amino acids

Essential amino acids


Information about few drugs

Immune system

Few things about the immune system

Killing methods of land animals and fish

Methods used by humans for killing land animals and fish

Definitions related to different kinds of diets

Various definitions for meat/fish and plant diets.

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