The Inhuman Behavior of Humans to Animals

Humanity is the characteristic that should make the humans distinct from other living species and for that reason we should seriously address it.

Let’s start our discussion by mentioning some human beliefes:

  • God created animals to be used for food (Ref. 1, Ref. 2),
  • animals exist just as objects without soul, and therefore it does not matter if we kill them or not (Ref. 3, Ref. 4, Ref. 5),
  • animals do not have emotions (Ref. 3, Ref. 6),
  • animals do not feel pain etc.(see note)

All the above are false, and they exist because of our ignorance of facts and truths  and are human fabrications for satisfying our economic interests and other reasons.

Note: Today, we know that:

  • All vertebrates (animals / fish with backbone), have similar nerve system as humans, and therefore they feel pain. The nerves are connected to the spinal cord, and to the brain, where the animal experiences the sensation of pain,
  • animals can sense death and mourn after a member of their group dies,
  • for the animals used in laboratories as experimental objects, there is no requirement to anesthetize them prior to operating on them. Researchers do that because it is believed that anesthesia may have an effect on the outcome of the experiment,
  • fish have been shown to have sensory receptors that are sensitive to damaging stimuli and are physiologically similar to human’s sensory receptors, and exhibit behavioral and physiological reactions indicating that they are experiencing pain,
  • fish do not scream when is impaled on hooks or grimace when the hook is ripped off from its mouth. However, the fish’s behavior during these instances indicates great suffering. It is also known that when a fish is pulled out from the water can’t breathe the same way as a person who is drowning.

Can you imagine their suffering and their horror before and during their killing process?

The treatment of animals during their short lives while waiting to be slaughtered or while they used for other purposes?

As most of you know, the animals which are used by us, live under unbelievably inhumane conditions, and are exploited badly while waiting to be killed. They are scared, feel helpless, and believe it or not they understand everything, but they can’t talk and react to what we are doing to them.

Farm raised animals spend their short lives in overcrowded, and filthy environments. They are so badly cramped that they can’t even turn around. In addition, they are pumped up daily with approved (as safe) drugs such as antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and other chemical substances.

Few examples of how farmed animals are treated will convince you that humans behave truly inhumanely to animals.

First, let me talk about chicken. In order to make harvesting easier, they are crammed into tiny cages one on the top of the other, and are subjected to 24 hour artificial lighting. Within days of birth, chicken have their beaks seared off with a hot blade, and they are even fed their own waste. Finally, they are hung upside down and their throats are sliced open, often while they’re fully conscious. 

Similarly, cows are also confined into overcrowded, dusty feedlots for months before they are transported to slaughterhouses. They have their horns sliced off, they are branded (which causes excruciating third-degree burns), and the males are castrated. Unfortunately, all these are done without using painkillers. Then, they are shipped without food or water to the slaughter houses, where a metal rod is shot through their brains, then they are hung upside-down and have their throats slit. Because line speeds are so fast, many of the animals are still conscious throughout the process. 

Note: Please go to the following link, which describes accurately what is going in the lives of chicken and other animals.

Other animals, such as donkeys, horses, and elephants (some of them old and with medical problems) are frequently used to carry excessive loads for great distances and they are punished or killed, if they become slow. For your information, donkeys, and horses are also killed for their meat  (Ref. 7).

For all accounts, it is inexcusable and shameful to treat these poor creatures so unfairly while we are exploiting them. Do not ignore that animals have feelings and soul (Ref. 3, Ref. 4, Ref. 6), they feel pain, and fear, and they are suffering much like us, and also (if you believe in GOD or a superpower) they are GOD’s creations too.

It should be clear to everybody, that when we kill people or animals we are committing an irreversible act and a sin, and we disrespect the creations of GOD (or superpower). As a result of all these inhuman acts, we pay the consequences with the occurrence of serious health problems (Ref. 7).


In order for anyone to get an idea of the (most likely) unknown to you shameful and barbaric inhuman ways that humans use to kill animals/fish, go to the MENU, then go to  Reference Tables and click on Killing methods of land animals and fish used by humans.

At this point, we wish to mention that according to the USA Consumers Report (Ref. 8), of all animals killed more than 40% is wasted. This fact is unacceptable for two reasons: First, the existance of famine worldwide, and second because of the continuous drama that is going on in the lives of animals.


Of all animals killed is wasted


  1. “Animals Sanctified: A Spiritual Journey”, By Joanne Stefanatos DVM, Light & Life Publishing Co, 2001.
  2. “Vegetarianism and Meat Eating in 8 Religions”, (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism) is published at the Journal of Hinduism Today. M agazin Web Edition.
  3. “Not So Different”, Nathan H. Lents, Columbia, (2016).
  4. “The Soul of an Octopus”, By Sy Montgomery, ATRIA Paperback, 2015.
  5. In this article published in the September/October 2017 of “ALL ANIMALS”, a publication of the Human Society of USA), it is reported a bizarre case of 84 Great Danes puppy mill case.
  6. “Elephant Company”, Vicki Constantine Croke, Random House, (2014).
  7. “The case for Vegetarianism”, Philosophy for a small Planet, By John L. Hill, 1996, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
  8. “Spoiler Alert”. By Mary H.L. Farrell, Consumers Report, September 2016 Issue.
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