Effects of Diet on Human Health (Q/A)

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Q1: What we mean by physical body?

A physical body is a very complex system of interconnected components (the organs), which interact with each other with rules that are made to work in harmony. In addition to the physical body there is some unique characteristic that people, animals and probably plants possess, which is of metaphysical nature. Namely, the soul.

Q2: What we mean by physical health?

Physical health is a state of the physical body at which all the organs function (operate) independently and all-together the way nature expects them to work.

If one or more of these organs, for whatever reason, does not work properly, then the entire or part of the physical body is affected. Then, there is a medical problem.


Q3: What we mean by mental (brain) health?

Brain is a very complex and key component of the physical body. It is a system by itself with its own components. Clearly, if any of its components has a problem, then we may have a mental and physical health problem, such as a neurological  disease (i.e. dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and others).


Q4: Does what we eat affects our physical and mental health?

Yes, it does. Today, there is strong evidence that diet, apart from heredity, affects our physical health, which in turn may affects our mental health and vice versa.

For more details please refer to the HEALTH EFFECTS menu section of this web page.

Q5: How a meat based diet affects our health?

The over medication factor

  • In order to satisfy the human needs (nutritional or otherwise) an astronomical number of animals are slaughtered every year worldwide. This number, according to several estimates, may be as high as 150 billion animals and two trillion fish, with fish, pigs and chicken leading the way.
  • The effect of over medication of animals/fish on human health.
    Animals are mainly raised for eating their meat and for the production of animal related food products (milk, yogurt, cheese, and eggs). In order for these animals and fish grow healthier, heavier, faster, and in great numbers, in almost all cases the meat/dairy and fish industries, add in their daily food and water intakes numerous drugs, and chemical substances, such as:


    1. antibiotics (in USA, more than 80% of antibiotic production is used in farmed animals, and fish),
    2. hormones Estrogen (an ovarian hormone – which may be one of the causes of men’s sterility),
    3. corticosteroids (drugs that affect the immune system),
    4. antitoxins (which are toxins themselves),
    5. pesticides1 (chemicals that are carcinogenic as per EPA),
    6. arsenic2 (poisonous and carcinogenic drugs).

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that hundreds of different chemicals have been found in U.S.A.‘s meat supply.

WARNING: Be aware that many of these chemicals are carcinogenic.

1 The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), based on a 2005, 201 pages unpublished report.
2 ARCENIC in pesticides causes cancer.

The following obvious observations make sense:

  1. The animals, over a time period, are accumulating these drugs and chemicals, and become over medicated.
  2. The animal based foods that we eat daily (during our life time), contain some amount of these drugs and chemicals, and consequently make us over medicated too.
  3. Unfortunately, we never think about the hidden dangers of such over medication.
  4. Furthermore, if on the top of our already over medicated condition (described in number 2) we add the drugs prescribed by the doctors for our usual every day medical problems, things become much worse. Namely, we become super-over medicated (that is, we are highly poisoned). This situation can be very dangerous because our bodies may be become resistant to the medication when this medication is really needed.

Pay attention to the fact that, such a high level of over medication or super-over medication (read the note below) of our physical body may favor the creation of new (unknown) medical conditions or the flaring up of existing conditions for two categories of diseases:

Bacterial diseases

These diseases include: Pneumonia, typhoid, tuberculosis, meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea, urinary, and hospital infections (Note 1) MRSA (Note 2), C-diff (Note 3), etc.

It is worth mentioning here that about 80% of the world’s production of antibiotics today is used on animals and fish, and  it is frightening to know that every day we are getting antibiotics into our system, and not think about it. Well, as it was mentioned earlier, this is even more frightening if we become sick with one of the bacterial caused diseases (which can be deadly) and antibiotics do not work. 

Note 1: These bacteria often find their way into patients’ bodies through the lines and tubes that doctors use to deliver medication and nutrition to patients, or via surgical incisions. In addition, these bacteria could be the breeding ground for other resistant infections that are even more difficult to treat. That is why hospitals today make serious efforts to minimize such happenings.
Note 2: MRSA (vancomycin-resistant staphylococcus aureus): Every year, more than 8,000 patients are killed by MRSA; and tens of thousands are sickened.
Note 3: C-diff: Is the cause of suffering for more than 300,000 people which are sickened by these bacteria (in hospitals or other health care facilities), and the cause of death of about 30,000 people in the U. S. A. alone .annually.

Probably, the situation is much worst in other places in the world, where hospital health protocols are not as strict as in U. S.A., or even non-existent.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the intake of antibiotics, and probably other medications, even this comes indirectly from food, should not be taken lightly.  

Immune system diseases

These diseases include:

Autoimmune diseases: Diabetes Type 1, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus,  inflammatory bowel disease, Addison’s disease, Graves disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Myasthenia gravis, Autoimmune vasculitis, Pernicious annemia, Celiac disease, neurological, dementia (probably related), and more.

Immune system diseases: Respiratory diseases, asthma, and various allergies., and others 

Other immune system related diseases:  ALS (Lou Goering disease), Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,  and others.

Note: Immune system:  It is a body host defense system that protects against disease, 

          Autoimmune disease:  It is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly (not knowing why) attacks your


Let us now discuss the use of cortisone based drugs on animals. Researchers, for some time, have known that some of these drugs affect our immune system. Nowadays, we also  know that the immune system is related to human body’s inflammatory conditions, and that these conditions are connected to chronic diseases of cancer, heart, diabetes, arthritis, respiratory, and probably others. Unfortunately, today’s drugs alleviate only the symptom of these diseases but in most cases not cure the disease itself. Therefore, it is prudent not to be exposed to these drugs unnecessarily. 

For your information, we wish to remind you that chronic diseases are in a rising mode, probably because people consume more medicated meat and meat byproducts.

Note: Here is a million dollar question: Could we find alternate solutions which may reduce such dangers and minimize suffering, deaths, and economic burden, but be equally nutritious and tasty? Yes, we can. Please go to the “In House Research ” portion of the MENU and click on the alternate foods.

Q6: Is it safe to eat animal meat/fishes, if animals/fishes are not healthy?

I do not think so. Here is why.

Since animals have diseases much like humans do, and humans eat meat, it is a reasonable question to ask ourselves, if there is a chance that some of these diseases could be transmitted to humans?

There is evidence that this is the case. To make this much worse, the probability of such occurrences is much enhanced, because animals live in unclean environments and the  number of animals slaughtered yearly is huge. Furthermore, the number of inspectors assigned to do the inspection is rather small.

Nevertheless, most of us assume that the meat and the animal based products that we eat every day are safe. Unfortunately, this may be not the case since as it was said earlier, it is practically impossible to check the billions of animals/animal products for their health condition before they reach the supermarkets.


Q7: Is transmission of animal diseases to people possible?

Yes .

The question of what are the true causes of serious human diseases is an important one, and the question of disease transmission must not be excluded.

The over medicated farm animals are fed with unhealthy foods, and live under terribly stressful, unhealthy, and crowded environments, and naturally have a weakened immune system. When their immune system is weak and their living environment is contaminated with bacteria and viruses, the animals develop diseases similar to human diseases (i.e. cancer, leukemia, salmonella, and others), and these diseases can be transferred to humans who eat the animal’s meat and animal food based products.

Again, when buying animal based foods, we assume that what we buy is checked and can be safely eaten. On paper this is true, but in reality, it is impossible to check the tenths or even hundreds of billions of animal based products that are sold in the markets, and in restaurants.

Dear reader, most probably, questions like these never cross your mind, but they should.

Q8: How we can be physically healthier?

Be a vegetarian or a vegan (and do not forget to be physically active).

Some useful definitions:

Vegetarian: Refers to those that do not eat meat (including chicken), and fish, but eat eggs, butter, yogurt, and associated byproducts.

Vegan: Refers to those that do not eat any kind of meat, fish, and animal based byproducts.


The best alternate dietary solution to meat/fish diet (although not a perfect one) seems to be a vegetarian or vegan diet.

These diets result in fewer deaths and less suffering, and they are more economic.

Several studies has shown that vegetarians/vegans are healthier, live at least 10 years longer and do not suffer the consequences of costly therapies which do not cure the disease but alleviate only the symptoms. In reality, a very small number of people with cancer live more than 5-6 years, unless the cancer is detected early and operated successfully. But even then, there is a 10 years dangerous window for cancer to reoccur.

Sammary:  Vegetarians and vegans:

  • Consume fewer calories, especially calories from fat (saturated fat),
  • have lower levels of cholesterol, animal protein, and body mass index (BMI),
  • have higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals.
  • have lower rates of diabetes 2, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, and contribute to a much better health outcomes and reduced mortality.

According to some studies, a vegetarian diet can be associated with vitamins B-12 and D deficiency as well as low bone mineral density. However, the relationship between vegetarian diet and bone density remains unclear.

The China-Cornell-Oxford Project, a 20-year study conducted by Cornell University, the University of Oxford, and the government of China has established a correlation between the consumption of animal products and a variety of chronic illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancers of the breast, prostate and bowel.

It is rather certain that a well planned vegetarian diet will provide all the necessary nutrients for all stages of life and be a great alternative to meat and fish diet.

Q9: Does meat/fish diet has something to do with cancer and other serious diseases?

Yes, and here is why.

Processed meat: This refers to meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation. Most processed meats are pork or beef, poultry, and meat by-products.

Examples of processed meat:

  • hot dogs (frankfurters),
  • ham,
  • sausages,
  • bacon,
  • corned beef, and
  • beef jerky as well as
  • canned meat and meat-based preparations.

These types of meat differ significantly in their nutrient quality, and especially in the quality of the fats they contain.

On the carcinogenicity of meat and processed meat foods.

This is a summarized information obtained from studies done by the World health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with International Advisory Research Committee (IARC) involving many experts from 10 countries, and it is consisted with 800 studies on cancer in humans associated with meat and processed meat consumption.

The IARC group reported that there is scientific evidence of the association of cancer risks when meat and processed meat is eaten: Colon-rectal, stomach, pancreatic, and prostate cancers are the most common associations.

Obviously, genetic and other contributing factors could increase these cancer risks and must not be ruled out.

But, what makes meat and processed meat increase the risk of cancer?

ln almost all cases, meat is not eaten raw because of the danger of contamination by bacteria and parasites such as Toxoplasma “Gondi , Taenia saginata”, and “salmonella”.

The only case that I know that meat is eaten raw is in Holland, Belgium, and France, where people eat the well known dish “Filet Americaine” or “Steak Tartare” or “Toast Cannibale”.

Due to such contamination dangers meat is eaten cooked.

However, when meat is cooked at high temperatures, there is an increased cancer risk. More precisely, it has been observed that certain types of carcinogenic chemicals (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic aromatic amines) are produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures or when the meat is in direct contact with a flame or a hot surface, as it is usually the case when meat is barbecued or pan-fried. .

Q10: Does diet affect your sex life?

which in   and Yes 

As you know cholesterol (a waxy fat like substance carried in blood particles-lipoproteins) clogs arteries resulting in atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Cholesterol reduces blood flow to various organs (including the penis), and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and erectile dysfunction. Recently, high cholesterol has been also associated with female sexual disorders such as for example inadequate lubrication (causing painful intercourse).

The meat eaters sooner or later will end up with these kind of dysfunctions.

To reduce such disorders for both men and women dietary changes are necessary.

These changes must include elimination of saturated fat (found in meat, eggs, and milk). That is, do not eat meat and animal food products-period.

If you decide to eat meat, then statins (medications that reduce cholesterol) may be necessary.

However, statins are associated with a variety of side effects affecting seriously muscles, liver etc.

On the other hand, foods (other than meat, milk, and eggs) that can boost your sexual drive are:

  • Avocados are high in unsaturated fat,
  • figs contain calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc,
  • nuts  such as cashews and almonds are good as zinc, and supply selenium and vitamin E,
  • walnuts/peanuts/kidney beans are high in omega-3 which increases blood flow, and
  • seeds.

All these foods are important for energy, memory, mood, and libido (sexual desire).

In addition, the following fruits are very healthy:

  • Watermelon boosts nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels and acts like Viagra.
  • Black Raspberries enhances libido and sexual endurance.
  • Ginseng Tea increases sexual satisfaction.
  • Strawberries are excellent source of vitamin B and are linked to high sperm counts in men and if they are coated with chocolate boosts methyl xanthine which enhances libido.
Q11: Is a fish based diet safe?


Let us elaborate more on that issue.

On the carcinogenicity of fish and processed fish foods.

For the case of fish, and fish related diets, it is important to mention the following. As you probably know, oceans are very contaminated/polluted. In fact, they are more polluted than the rest of our planet. Such contaminations are caused by:

  1. The enormous amounts of waste originated at the large seashore cities (i.e. Los Angeles).
  2. The large numbers of ships that travel across the oceans or the lakes. From these ships, large amounts of waste are thrown into the oceans (presumably bio-chemically treated) with questionable monitoring of such treatments. Therefore, strictly speaking, we should be seriously concerned about the potential health problems they may create. 
  3. The oceans contain many chemicals coming from the offshore oil facilities and other industrial waste. Unfortunately, such materials (i.e. heavy metals, arsenic, and others) are eaten (indirectly) by the fish and eventually by you, and that is rather dangerous.

Also, be informed that fish contamination caused by radioactive material existing in oceans is also a serious threat. Unfortunately, radiation caused contamination can stay for long time. To understand more about radiation contamination, please visit Wikipedia and search about the HALF LIFE TIME of radioactive materials 



For you information, , many Nuclear Electrical Power Stations, close to the Oceans or lakes may have radioactive leakages caused by earthquakes or other accidents and create similar dangerous scenarios. Unfortunately, such accidents are in many cases suppressed and are not shown or discussed in the media.

An example of such accident is the latest  nuclear power station accident in Japan..

Clearly, whatever was discussed earlier is applicable to nuclear power station accidents elsewhere (i.e. Chernobyl in Russia).

Dear reader, you should be seriously concerned with the issue the radiation level of the fish or meat  that you eat. IT MAY KILL YOU SOFTLY, and I think it will be useful  to educate yourself on that.  Soplease go to WIKIPEDIA and find some information about Half Life Time of nuclear material. Then, you will be convinced.


Clearly, the fish living and caught from these areas may be contaminated and may be unsuitable for food. Unfortunately,  there are not enough inspectors and equipment to check the radiation level of the trillions of fish sold in the supermarkets worldwide

In addition, farm raised fish are very medicated and fed with very unhealthy foods and chemicals, much the same way that land animals are fed. According to research findings, farm raised fishes are responsible for human body inflammations which are well associated with chronic diseases.

To summarize what was said earlier:

Fish and fish related diets are not better alternatives to land animal meat because:

Oceans are very contaminated (polluted), because of:

  • The enormous amounts of waste created at seashore cities and thrown into the oceans.
  • The waste and garbage created from the ships crossing the oceans and lakes,
  • The chemicals (most of them are carcinogenic) thrown into the oceans, lakes, and rivers from the existing offshore oil facilities and other industries.

Summarized Comments:

On wild caught fish: Although the waste and garbage thrown into the oceans and lakes is supposed to be chemically treated, the monitoring of such treatments is almost impossible.

Heavy metals, arcenicum, and other carcinogenic chemicals are present and affect the fish we eat. That is, fish are contaminated as much (and even more) than land animals.

On farm raised fish:  Farm raised fish are medicated, and are fed with very unhealthy foods and harmful chemicals, much the same way that land animals are fed. According to research findings, farm raised fishes are responsible for human body inflammations which are well associated with several chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, most of us believe that fish diet is a healthy one, because we are told so. Again, what assures us that the fishes we eat are properly checked? There are not enough inspectors to do the job. Actually, nobody knows precisely what is going on.

Therefore, strictly speaking, we should be seriously concerned about the hidden health problems coming from fish diets. Heavy metals and carcinogenic chemicals have to be our main concern.

Q12: Are vegetarian diets healthier?


Vegetarian diets, do not have many problems as meat/fish diets. Vegetables are not treated with the same drugs and chemicals as animals and fish. It is true that though they are treated with pesticides (which are very dangerous), the amounts used are a bit smaller and can be controlled much easier that the pesticides used for land animals and fish. Furthermore, the trend nowadays is to  use more  organically grown plants.

In reality, all the essential amino acids which constitute the basis for the making of proteins come from plants. We can get them directly from plants by using the right combination of plants. The same is true for many vitamins too.

The major advantages of plant diets are no animal fat and cholesterol, longevity (vegetarians live 10 years longer than non- vegetarians), and  save money.

Furthermore, as it is shown in the  Comparison of Anatomical and Physiological Characteristics of Animals and Humans  humans are naturally vegetarians.

Q13: Is diet affecting Endurance?


If the appropriate combination of amino acids (obtained from plans), vitamins, and minerals are used together with some supplements, then the athletic benefits are great, especially in endurance sports (see What Vegetarian/vegan should know about their diet).

As a testimonial, please refer to the following list of great athletes who are vegetarians/vegans.

From the point of view of cholesterol/animal-protein intake, there is no question that animal based foods are (in the long run) harmful in the health of anybody, including athletes. However, in some sports where short time explosive (muscular) power is used, meat eaters may perform better.

To the best of my knowledge, there are not enough statistical studies available to support that meat eaters are greater athletes than vegetarians and vegans (in every sport). However, the obvious health, economic, and humanitarian effects should be taken into account.

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