Introduction to the “For a Kinder World” (FKW) Nonprofit Organization

By Nick D. Panagiotacopulos, Ph.D. CEO of FKW, Demetrios Panayotakopoulos, Alexia Escobar, Lina Shou, Francisco Padilla


Abstract: Since what we eat affects more than we think, an analysis of the damaging effects of animal and fish based diets on human health, the environment, humanity(on people, and animals), and the economy is done.

Introduction: In FKW, the effects of diet upon our health, the environment, humanity and the world’s economy are explored as an interconnected system as shown in the following figure.

Figure  1

The lack of deep understanding of these effects has led us to continue:
1. Our unhealthy dietary habits.
2. The destruction of the environment, and the catastrophic consequences which come from it.
3. The unethical killing of billions of land animals and trillions of fish, for food, research and other purposes, of which

about 40% is wasted [1], in spite of the  on going  worldwide famine problems.

All these are the causes of millions of deaths, suffering, and serious financial burden for the entire world.

The objective of FKW is to present to the world certain facts and truths that we do not pay the attention  as we should. We hope that our work will help us to understand what is going on, and energize us to make appropriate changes in a timely manner.

At FKW, we are  addressing the problem of diet and its effects, because it is an important one and may be it can be managed through appropriate education  supported  by relevant research.

I. Educational Activities
In FKW we make an effort to present to the world, simple, clear, current, and complete  available information  about  what it is going on behind our everyday diet that is based on meat, fish, and  other animal based products.  For more detail please explore  the FKW’s website.

II. List of FKW’s Research Activities

We should mention here about an important feature offered to the world  by FKW. It is a worldwide offering of an invitation for  research collaboration, to qualified individuals or organizations with interests similar to ours. We intend to share with them our software, data, and everything that we have available. We hope that the sharing will help FKW’s objectives to be achieved faster.

The following are summaries of our research activities relevant to the FKW’s  objectives:

1. The effect of the “immediate environment” in the creation of the human personality (character, behavior and decision making) and the creation of relevant course (or courses) for every school level.

By immediate environment we mean: family, living conditions, cultures-traditions, history, religion, friends, work environment, political systems and even geographic location where an individual resides).

This topic is very complex and may be the most important, since affects almost everything, and it is currently in developmental stage.

2. Determination of a disease – factor connection (epidemiological study subsequently referred as “The Macroscopic view of a disease”). By factors we mean: dietary habits, environment, heredity, life styles and more.
The study is based on the analysis of data made from answers to an anonymous questionnaire (SEE THE USER’s GUIDE below)
The analysis will provide results indicating trends in the form of simple bar graphs and tabulated data, namely: the country/countries – disease correlation (Fig. 2) and the connection between a disease and the factors that may affect the disease (Fig.3) for several properly chosen categories. Obviously, this connection we are looking for it will be more accurately established if the number of participants in the questionnaire is greater, and the answers to the questions are accurate. If this connection is accurate, the probability of determining the cause or causes of a disease and its cure will be higher.
The advantages of this study, versus other similar studies are: 1. The results of the analysis are created from the responses of participants from all over the world, and are based on a continuously updated data base, as new participants are added to the database, and 2. Since everything is online, the results of the analysis would be accessible to everybody, at anytime, anywhere. Also, the questionnaire and the analysis are available in 11 major languages. It should be noted here that, although the software associated with this project is working well, continuous improvements, and corrections of probable errors will be done as needed. The following two graphs represent a typical output of the analysis:

Figure 2 – Country-disease correlation (for example, in the case of Allergies you can observe the % the disease occurrence for 4 countries)

Figure 3 – Disease-factor connection (based on the answers of 12 out of 117 participants from 5 countries it is obvious that in the case of obesity, omnivorous diet is the most important factor

2. On the Analysis of medical signals (i.e. EMG, ECG, EEG, and FID (Free induction decay) 

These signals can be analyzed using our in house developed Medical Signal Wavelet Analysis (MSWA) software. As we did in our epidemiological study, we hope that our invitation for worldwide research collaboration with organizations which have data associated with neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s), cancer etc., will help us to understand better these diseases and make faster progress in their treatment. The approach presented here has the potential of being used not only as a diagnostic tool, but as a way to check the effectiveness of a therapeutic method. It is noninvasive (that is, safe and convenient), fast, economic, and could be very accurate. Wavelet Transforms can provide a high resolution frequency spectrum. This spectrum, with proper calibration, can provide a whole new world of new neurochemical markers. A list of some of the currently known neurochemical markers and their medical significance is presented and discussed in the Menu-Background section.  It is possible that this approach can replace biopsy (or needle aspiration) for certain cases that biopsy cannot be done. As in our other activities, although the software is working well, continuous development and testing will be done.

The following figure (Fig.4) represents a typical output from MSWA software, and it is associated with the determination of the neurochemical profile of a brain tumor. It is the result of the application of Morlet wavelet transform (top right colored image) on the FID signal that corresponds to that brain tumor (the FID is shown at the top left plot). The peaks marked with red crosses on bottom right plot, and the corresponding numerical table (obtained for scale a = 15) indicate the neurochemical markers which exist at a particular location within the brain tumor. These markers are given here in frequency or ppm units.

Figure 4 – Morlet wavelet transform of the FID signal from a brain tumor

3. Development of an Emergency Diagnostic Tool (EDT).

EDT is a software package that will be available in mobile phone, tablet, or computer platforms, and will enable anyone, at any time; anywhere to obtain medical guidance in the case that medical assistance is not readily available. The EDT Algorithm has been already developed but not yet implemented.

4. Some thoughts about how to facilitate the delivery of therapeutic agents to the brain through BBB

The problem of delivering safely (without serious side effects) pharmacological agents to the human brain through BBB is an important one since it is connected with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neurodégénérative disorders. Recently, Professor Elisa Konofagou, a Biomedical Engineer, and her group at Columbia University developed a very ingenious noninvasive method, (without use of radiation), to facilitate such delivery. To the best of our knowledge, this approach is probably the one that offers the best hope. Since a year ago, some of FKW’s members initiated discussion on the same problem. Day by day, we build up our knowledge and try to use, this knowledge, our creativity and passion to understand better what it is going on, and try to find some answers. Fortunately, we have a reasonable knowledge of the scientific and technological tools available and enough medical insight about certain medical problems. All these and our interest to help generated strong motivation to pay serious attention to the following neurodegenerative problems: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. For that reason our activities 1, 2, 4, and 5 have something to do with these diseases.

5. Viscoelastic Finite Element Treatment of Head Injuries used for the diagnosis of Neurological Diseases

Here, we try to determine the location of stress concentrations in the brain caused by brain injuries and to determine if these locations are close to areas in the brain that can potentially cause neurological problems.
For instance, if the location of a stress concentration is in the vicinity of the sustancia negra area of the brain, then, they could be related to the triggering of Parkinson’s disease. The viscoelastic mechanical properties of brain material have been determined elsewhere while our efforts are only focused in computer simulations using the help of existing finite element software. The study is in its initial stage

6. Plant growth and development using Digital Image Processing /Thermal Imaging within an automatically controlled Plant Culture System
The main motivation here is to be prepared for the case that there is going to be a future worldwide food shortage due to unstable and rapidly changing temperatures in the environment. The idea is that after establishing the optimum conditions for accelerating the growth of certain crops in a laboratory environment, to create large green houses in the vicinity of a city, able to produce enough crops and satisfy the local needs of the consumer without worrying about weather effects or long distance transportation costs. A novelty in our study is the fact that we will take into account the effect of the atmospheric temperature variations below the surface of the earth (which may affect the root condition of a plant). In addition, in this study the physical, chemical and even mechanical properties of the soil which will be under investigation will be taken into account. The aim is to determine the proper environmental and nutritional conditions for accelerating the growth of certain nutritionally important agricultural products. The design portion of the study is done but its laboratory implementation is not. The following is a flow chart describing the quantitative analysis plant growth system we are talking about. The study is in developmental stage.

7. A proposed improved Telemedicine system

During the last decade, the technological progress has been phenomenal. This is especially reflected in the field of digital communications. Now days, it is possible for people to have a highly efficient and practically cost free real time audio-video and information file (text, and/or image) sharing capability between any two (or more) people around the world.
Tele Learning/Teleconference (TL/TC), and Telemedicine (TM) are two examples which use such technological advances.
At times, there are circumstances such as the occurrence of highly transmittable diseases such as the Corona virus-19 case, the occurrence of severe atmospheric phenomena, such as hurricanes, tornados, flooding, fires, and earthquakes, cases of hardships such as the case of people who cannot move or people who live in rural areas and can’t attend faraway university lectures or important events or cases of needed medical services but have no other alternative. Then, the use of TL/TC and/or TM is of great importance.

Telemedicine (TM)

Presently, TM activities are going on worldwide. However, the level of sophistication of such activities is rather basic. It is usually restricted to few minutes of telephone and/or video communication between the doctor and the patient. Then, on the basis of such communication, the doctor makes a diagnosis and provides some guidance to the patient. It is rather obvious that such interactions in many cases are incomplete, and may be not accurate and therefore risky. Basically, it is a little bit better than nothing and provides, more or less a psychological help rather than an accurate diagnosis. In our study, we are going to provide a considerably more complete information exchange system between the patient and the doctor, and therefore make it safer for the patient. We claim, that the scheme, will be in many ways even better than the actual visitation to the doctor’s office, where the patient is usually first is interviewed by a nurse (or doctor’s assistant), and then be seeing by the doctor who spends about 10 minutes, asks some additional questions which, usually, the patient answers in a harry, and which may be not so accurate.
The economic benefit for the patient, the medical practitioner, and the organization which coordinate the activity between a patient and the medical provider could be significant. This is obvious because the greater the number of patients for the participating doctor, the greater the financial benefit for the doctor is going to be and may be the cost of the service to the patient could be reduced. Furthermore, since the communication between the patient and the doctor is going to be improved, the doctor’s response time required to make the diagnosis will be faster, and the diagnosis may be more accurate since the diagnosis is going to be based on a better-organized information (measurable and non-measurable) exchange of data and more because it will be prepared not in a hurry but while the patient is relaxed. Also, the information format could be designed to be easily understood and interpreted by both the patient and the doctor. The patient will also have a greater number of medical provider choices (possibly from around the world).
We must point out here that the level of TM that we are talking about is restricted only to the services of the internist and may be of few other medical specializations. Furthermore, the level of future of TM will be always improved as time evolves and technology progresses. For cases where MRI, Cat Scans, ultra sound measurements are required, the patient must follow the doctors recommendations and do it in hospitals and places where appropriate equipment are available. This study is in progress, although the basic work is done.

8. Effects of 5G generated EM Standing Waves on RED and WHITE cells.

The effect of EM standing waves generated by 5G EM on human health is explored. More specifically, let us consider the red and white blood cells as small vibrating membranes with wavelengths λR and λW , respectively. We are looking for the probable existence of resonance condition between the high frequency (very small wavelength mm- level wavelengths λ) of the 5G EM waves (which may be in the range of 1mm to 10mm). Here we are exploring the interactions of EM STANDING WAVES generated by an open end configuration of the 5G waves and the small wave length vibrations of the red and white blood cells (for RED cells diameter: dR = 6-8μm, thickness: thR = 2 μm , and wavelength: λR = 0.5mm, and for WHITE cells diameter: dW =12-17μm,and wavelength: λw = 1.5mm). In the case of white cells such resonance condition seems to be possible. In that case the structure (due to resonance) and mobility (due to EM Levitation) of white blood cells could be affected and in turn affect the immune system, thus make human venerable to various dangerous external diseases, such as viruses (any viruses). In the case of red cells, since the wave length is 0.5 mm (if the measurement is correct) only the EM levitation effect may have an effect in the red cells and restrict their mobility. In this case due to the fact that the red cells carry oxygen to various organs and the mobility restriction is imposed on red cells, the condition may favor respiratory problems. In both cases, the situation can become especially dangerous if someone has a pre-existing respiratory or immune system a problem. Note that if the recently worldwide installed 5G devices, which are installed in great numbers (thousands) in major, cities, beam simultaneously EM waves at the same frequency and amplitude, a STANDING WAVE (SW) may be generated and cover a large area. This probably can affect anyone who is within this SW space by affecting the mobility of red and white cell assuming the effect of levitation condition is strong enough to restrict the almost free cell movement. Note that this effect can probably be turned on or off as we wish, by destroying the creation of the standing wave. Probably, this can be done by emitting different frequencies from various 5G devices operating within the zone of influence of the standing wave. In that case the mobility restriction is eliminated and everything may come back to normal. A detailed analysis (including destructive interference – waves which are out of phase, constructive interference –waves are in phase) is in preliminary stage of development.

9. Alternative Foods

During the last decade, more and more people have decided to follow vegetarian or vegan diets for ethical, environmental or health reasons. Already, several companies are making meat like foods from plants. This trend is great because not only it saves the lives of billions of land animals but also because it minimizes the serious environmental problem the world is facing today, Furthermore it is in many ways nutritionally healthier and according to some studies its more economic for the consumer.
However, we should be cautioned because most of these plant based contain too much sodium, sugar and other health harmful (i.e. increase blood pressure, create kidney, and other problems) ingredients. Obviously we should not create health problems that we intended to minimize to start with. In the FKW project we discuss some ways of how one can obtain all the proteins, minerals and vitamins needed for a balanced diet by combining specific plants and spices and reduce or completely eliminate the harmful ingredients currently used in the alternative foods. The study is in progress.

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