The basis of a Vegetarian/Vegan Healthy Diet

Vitamins and Mineral Sources

Deficiencies in calcium, riboflavin, zinc, iron, vitamin D and vitamin B-12 are all common in vegetarians and can affect everyday life functions.

So, vegetarians should maintain a balanced diet by making sure that their diet includes proper vitamins and minerals. 


There is a  strong believe that we need the animal proteins for our growth. So, we end up being taking more animal protein than we actually need. The implication is that the animal based proteins contain saturated fat and cholesterol, which as you know, are the causes of cardiovascular and other serious health problems. An alternative solution to the use of animal protein can be the use of natural proteins. For your information, all the necessary amino acids used to create natural proteins come from plants, which the animals eat and synthesize the animal protein.  However, humans can do the same synthesis as animals do, and avoid the animal fat and cholesterol.  Therefore, it makes logical sense to use natural instead of using the harmful animal proteins.

The following is a partial list of natural proteins:

  1. Chick peas,  beans, black eyed peas, lentils.
  2. Low fat milk, cheese, and yogurt
  3. Whey protein
  4. Tofu
  5. Soya
  6. Quorn
  7. Quark
  8. Nuts, seeds, and peanut butter
  9. Oatmeal



Many dairy products, such as milk, contain calcium. Lower fat milks actually contain higher calcium levels than full fat.

  • If you don’t include dairy in your diet try to include protein rich soya milk, yogurts and cheeses.
  • Other good calcium sources include nuts, seeds, figs, rhubarb and many beans.


Iron is vital for healthy blood and can be found in:

  • Meat, poultry and fish (easily absorbed).
  • Tofu, soy beans, salad greens, green vegetables (spinach, lentils, beans etc), beans (kidney, black, pinto etc), black eyed peas and oatmeal, and dairy products (not easily absorbed).  Note that, Vitamin C  will help iron absorption, while caffeine will not


Zinc is very important in maintaining our immune function, skin color, protein absorption, sense of smell and much more. The recommended daily amount is between 10 and 15 milligrams per day.

Vegetarian foods that can provide zinc are; eggs, nuts/seeds, wheat germ and whole wheat bread. 

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Riboflavin is responsible for a range of bodily functions such as maintaining healthy eyes, skin, and nervous system. It is also vital for iron absorption and the development of red blood cells.

Vegetarian foods that contain riboflavin include; eggs, most cereals, mushrooms, milk, pumpkin, sesame seeds, and wheat germ.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 plays a role in boosting immune function. 
It is recommended that you eat eggs, soya milk, cheeses, yeast extract, vegetable stock and yogurts.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to maintain healthy eyes, teeth and bones and is important to maintain our body’s energy levels. The recommended daily amount is around 10 micrograms.

It can be found in: soya milk, butter, eggs, soya cheeses, yogurt. Also, it can be absorb vitamin D from the rays of the 

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