Introduction to FKW

The effects of diet upon our health, the environment, humanity and the world’s economy, are explored as an interconnected system. The lack of understanding of these effects has led us to continue:

    1. Our unhealthy dietary habits.
    2. The destruction of the environment.
    3. The unethical killing of billions of land animals, and trillions of fish.

All the above are causing a great number of deaths and suffering to humans, and animals, plus considerable economic burden to humanity.

More specifically, the lack of understanding of the diet and its effects lead to few of the most serious dangers that the world is facing today.

A list of these dangers includes:

(a) Many chronic diseases.

(b) Extreme environmental conditions.

(c) Poverty, and famine.

It is interesting to note here that although most of us know about these dangers; we are almost apathetic and do not address them properly.

Perhaps, some of the reasons for our apathy are: We are too busy with our daily obligations, and too addicted to certain life styles that it is difficult for us to even think about these dangers.

Nevertheless, If we were using our enormous human potential to enhance our knowledge where it is needed the most, may be the world would be a healthier, kinder, safer and happier place to live. Instead, we do the opposite; we spend lots of money and efforts to create problems. Folks, all the above are very serious matters and should be the concern of everyone.

The FKW project is an effort to awake the sleeping world to do something about it, and it is the child of many life experiences that have to do with these problems. To achieve this objective, we are presenting certain relevant facts and truths hoping that you will think about them, and participate in the making of the necessary changes.

We, at FKW, believe that proper education supported by relevant research findings can do the job and have a significant and long lasting impact on all of us. For that reason, FKW’s efforts are focused to do exactly that, hoping to set the basis for an international peaceful movement. FKW’s philosophical basis is Plato’s allegory of the cave.  which we discuss in the menu of our web site. The activities of FKW described in the next pages are based on the works of others, as well as ours.

An important feature of FKW is the invitation that our organization extends an invitation for collaboration to individuals or research groups that match interests with ours, and is consistent with FKW’s mission objectives. In what follows, we present a number of topics that FKW has been already involved.

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